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A teaching tip -- Backward chaining
Posted by Jim B
9/15/1999  1:03:00 PM
Here's a tip about more efficient teaching and learning multi-component tasks -- like most dance variations and routines. Start at the end and work backward.

The usual way is to begin at the beginning. This means that focus, initial learning time and practice will will be directed to the first part than to the last part (which often gets short shift); as a result, there is less learning, confidence and skill as you move through a variation. If, on the other hand, one starts at the end and moves forward sequentially, learning, confidence and skill will increase when you put the entire variation together and go through it. And so learning can be both faster and more solid -- and learning a variation can be more fun -- when you end with sucess rather than an uncertain (or even failed) performance. And the positive reinforcement of successfully ending a variation can make initiating a new variation more likely, so one is more likely to practice, retain and polish new variations -- and more likely to learn other new variations.

re: A teaching tip -- Backward chaining
Posted by BDC Webmaster
9/21/1999  4:50:00 AM

I certainly don't disagree with you. I often use this technique when teaching group classes. Or sometimes I will start with the most difficult component somewhere in the middle, and then work outward from there.

But I'm not sure how you are proposing we do this with the variations. With the variations, we don't actually teach anything at all, really. We just present the step as it should be danced in real-time. To actually teach it would require alot more resources than we have at present time.

Jonathan Atkinson www.ballroomdancers.com

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